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Trey Talley
Feb 28, 2019
Family Worship 101
How will your children learn to pray? How will your children learn about the Bible? How will your children learn about salvation? “Well,...
Trey Talley
Jan 30, 2019
Noah’s Ark: Cute and Cuddly, or Wrath and Fury?
What is the first image that comes to mind when you think of Noah’s Ark? Is it cute bunnies, giraffes, and kangaroos; or is it the death...
Trey Talley
Jan 10, 2019
Six Ways to Grow Closer to Other Christians
Many professing Christians will walk into church this Sunday, smile at a few people, shake a hand or two, talk about the weather a bit,...
Trey Talley
Dec 13, 2018
How do you handle suffering?
The challenge of Christian suffering, especially the recipient of unjust or perceived unjust suffering, has the potential to wreak havoc...
Trey Talley
Nov 8, 2018
Should You Choose a Church Based Upon Your Race?
The Apostle Peter, writing to a racially diverse group of people from different regions, cultures, ancestries, said of them, “But you are...
Trey Talley
Oct 22, 2018
Can a Christian Be a Hypocrite?
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. (1 Peter 2:1) Peter had just told these Christians to love...
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