What to expect when you come to church this Sunday:
Worship Service is from 10:00-11:15. Followed by a 10-minute break for refreshments. Group Discipleship is from 11:30-12:15.
Put something besides pajamas on, and just get here. This is not a fashion show, and we don’t have a runway.
We have been blessed with a great cross-section of Denton County. We have young people, retired people, infants, teens, college-age people, and various ethnicities.
Worship Service
Our goal is to keep the entire time focused on God. We do this through song, prayer, reading, and preaching God’s Word. Worship is contemporary, and each song is chosen to make sure that the lyrics are truthful and sound. We have a wonderful Worship Leader, singers, and band. The preaching time is heavily focused on the Bible, so please bring yours with you.
Family Integrated Service
This means that we desire for you and your family to worship God together if possible. All ages are welcome in the worship service, but we understand that some families with young kids may need a break during the service. We provide a Family Room and a separate Mother’s Room that can be used as needed. The service is streamed into both rooms. We do not offer childcare during the Worship Service.

Group Discipleship
Groups discuss and answer prepared questions in these table groups for the next 45 minutes. This time is for discipleship and fellowship. You can choose to add to the discussion or just listen. Each table has a Table Facilitator who is the primary leader for the discussion.
Children’s Discipleship
It is far more than just daycare or entertainment. This time has been strategically designed to grow kids into mature believers who know the Word, how to live it, and how to share it. Children’s Discipleship time is happening while the adults are in their time of discipleship.
You are welcome to park on either side of the building. The entrance faces US Storage. We do ask that you be considerate of those who need access to the storage facility and not park in front of the storage doors or in the areas marked with a cone.